The Energy Balance of Man

Premise:    Food, respiration (re-spiriting) and water intake is not enough energy to maintain body temperature let alone all other metabolic functions.

Even if you add in that respiration is exothermic and there is exothermic transmutation, there is a missing input.

A 150 pound man needs at least 17,000 Calories, proportionally more if heavier, merely to be a warm blooded man.

Where does this energy and the rest required for life come from? Is there only one source?

The missing input obviously is not visible to our senses; but, yet it exists or we would not.

The missing input is frequency energy, effectively from God.

God's Love (life force) constantly supplies us with something to maintain our lives.

We as man while respirating are inseparable from God's Love (life force).

God made us self healing. If you get a cut, it does not last a lifetime.

Solar and cosmic radiation on a microscopic scale cause the DNA cell nucleus to vibrate in an electrically conductive salt solution encased in a cell wall membrane that is an electric insulator that has no where to go ergo it reduces to heat within the cell. Life is vibration. Dead cells by definition do not vibrate. The Secret of Life, Georges Lakhovsky

Traditional Chinese Medicine integrates Mind, Body and Spirit. Mind and Body are not enough. We need to address the Spiritual and Etheric as well.

DNA is a biocosmic resonator which sends and receives, i.e. prayer is a direct communication and most likely in direct resonance with God. Dr. Lenoard Horowitz

New specific heat of man with Coroner Rule of Thumb

How much energy is required to maintain body temperature for a 150 lb man?

Oxidation of 1 g of dietary carbohydrate and 1 g of dietary protein each yield approximately 4 kcal (Calorie) and oxidation of 1 g of dietary fat yields approximately 9 kcal (Calorie).

Coroner Rule of Thumb = once life stops 1.5 °F per hour temperature loss

new specific heat of man = 2.98 kJ * kg-1 * °C-1

2.98 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 1.5 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 40.5 Cal
= 972 Cal

40.5 food Calories per hour to maintain body temperature loss of 1.5°F per hour. This presumes other metabolic or outside inputs need to maintain 25.1 °F over ambient (72 °F).

2.98 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 25.1 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 677 Cal
= 16,251 Cal

+677 food Calories to maintain body temperature of 97.1 °F, 25.1 °F over ambient (72 °F) per hour = 16,251 Calories per day.
USA Army July 22, 2022
September 2018

The Energy Balance of Man

Food, respiration (re-spiriting) and water intake is not enough energy to maintain body temperature let alone all other metabolic functions.

Standard Diet
-10% for digestion
-daily to prevent 1.5 °F temperature drop per hour
-daily to maintain temperature over 72 °F

we need a lot more
nothing left for all metabolic processes
2,000 Calories
-200 Calories
-980 Calories
-16,250 Calories

-15,430 Calories

Even if you add in that respiration is exothermic, there is a missing input.

The missing input obviously is not visible to our senses; but, yet it exists or we would not.

God's Love (life force) constantly supplies us with something to maintain our lives.

We as a living respiring man are inseparable from God's Love (life force).

This should make getting "saved" simpler.

If you are an atheist. ok, it comes from the universe; but, how does it know how to come at creation and leave at death?

What happens without Heating and Air Conditioning?

2.98 * 150 / 2.2 * (? * 5/9 ) * 0.239 = 27 Δ °F-1 Cal / hour

Summer: Air temperature 90 °F high, 70 °F low, ambient 80 °F

2.98 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 18.6 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 502 Cal
= 12,042 Cal

+502 food Calories to maintain body temperature of 98.6 °F, 18.6 °F over summer ambient (80 °F) per hour = 12,042 Calories per day.

Winter: Air temperature 50 °F high, 30 °F low, ambient 40 °F

2.98 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 58.6 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 1,581 Cal
= 37,942 Cal

+1,581 food Calories to maintain body temperature of 98.6 °F, 58.6 °F over winter ambient (40 °F) per hour = 37,942 Calories per day.

How do we make up for the energy deficit?

Food does not have enough energy to even keep us warm.

Where does the constantly required energy come from?

Is there only one source? Probably not.

Is it the Holy Spirit? No.

Man is comprised of body and soul.

Is it soul? If only warm blooded animals have a soul? Probably not.

Most folk believe that animals (warm and cold blooded) have a soul.

The presence of a soul is possibly related to; but, not the heat source.

Once you are dead, the soul leaves and the temperature goes to ambient.

When the soul is present, so is God's Love (life force) and the life force maintains a warm blooded temperature.

If the soul is not the source of the required energy it must be Etheric.

Are Spiritual and Etheric the same? Probably not.

Spiritual and Etheric does not exist in modern science.

Solar and cosmic radiation on a microscopic scale cause the DNA cell nucleus to vibrate in an electrically conductive salt solution encased in a cell wall membrane that is an electric insulator that has no where to go ergo it reduces to heat within the cell. Life is vibration. Dead cells by definition do not vibrate. The Secret of Life, Georges Lakhovsky

Man by design has everlasting life

The physical man is defined by DNA as is the rest of the plant and animal world.

In DNA the atoms are fungible. I.e. If you need a carbon atom it does not matter if it came from a cheeseburger or a salad.

DNA, the definition of the physical man, is pure information without mass.

E = mc2 shows mass and time are related.

Information without mass DNA, the definition of the physical man, means man is outside of time, ergo eternal.


Transmutation is highly exothermic, probably to the extent of being fatal.

Cold fusion is transmutation without the heat.

Catalysts which improve reactions without being consumed can aid in this process.

Here however we are searching for large quantities of heat; but, it must be manageable at the cellular level.

Following the discovery that helium gas, previously treated as a separate element, evolved itself as one consequence of the disintegration of radium. Transmutation, till then laughed at as superstition of the alchemist, passed quietly into the region of accepted natural phenomena.

Modern biochemistry now admits that a single cell is more complex than New York City being able to duplicate itself and create thousands of chemicals.

Old Agreed specific heat of man with Coroner Rule of Thumb

Coroner Rule of Thumb = once life stops 1.5 °F per hour temperature loss

old specific heat of man = 3.47 kJ * kg-1 * °C-1

150 lbs man

3.47 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 1.5 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 47.1 Cal
= 1,130 Cal

47.1 food Calories per hour just to maintain body temperature loss of 1.5 °F per hour. This presumes other metabolic or outside inputs need to maintain 25.1 °F over ambient (72 °F).

3.47 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 25.1 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 788 Cal
= 18,924 Cal

+788 food Calories to maintain body temperature of 97.1 °F, 25.1 °F over ambient (72 °F) per hour = 18,924 Calories per day.
USA Army July 22, 2022
September 2018

Straight water with Coroner Rule of Thumb

Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1 °C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

4.184 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 1.5 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 56.8 Cal
= 1,363 Cal

56.8 food calories per hour to maintain body temperature loss of 1.5 °F per hour. This presumes other metabolic or outside inputs need to maintain 25 °F over ambient (72 °F) = 1,363 Calories per day.

4.184 kJ
kg * °C
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 25.1 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 0.239 Cal
= 951 Cal
= 22,818 Cal

+951 food Calories to maintain body temperature of 97.1 °F, 25.1 °F over ambient (72 °F) per hour = 22,818 Calories per day.

Next I did it the old way, 1 calorie = 1 gram / °C.

1 cal
* 150 lbs / 2.2 kg
* 1.5 °F
* 5/9 °C
* 1,000 g
/ 1,000 Cal
= 56.8

Wow, the same number. Then I did 4.184 * 0.239 = 1

It does not matter which conversion factor you use, they are all the same.

What happens when we calculate the energy at the cellular level?

Heat Only

Maintaining 98.6 °F temperature requires 17,430 Calories for a 150 pound man with 70 trillion cells.

17,430 / 70,000,000,000,000 = 0.000000000249 = 2.49 * 10-10 Calories per cell

= 2.49 * 10-13 calories per cell

Is this manageable at the cellular level?

Complete cellular duplication occurs every 7 years

With 70 trillion cells duplicated over 7 years

70,000,000,000,000 / 7 years / 365 days/year = .0027 x 1013 cells duplicated each day
= 2.37 x 1010

24 billion cells are duplicated each day.

The minimum energy needed to build a mammalian cell

The minimum energy needed to build a cell as defined here is the sum of the energy required to assemble all its components into their biomolecules.

At 298 °K, the energy required to synthesise one single E. coli cell is 9.54 x 10-11 J/cell (331 J/g) and 3.69 x 10-12 J/cell (329 J/g) for JCVI-syn3A. For a mammalian cell, the energy required is 3.71 x 10-9 J/cell (354 J/g),

To build a mammalian cell takes 3.71 10-7 J/cell at 298 °K

Is 2.49 * 10-13 calories per cell manageable at the cellular level?

1 kJ
1 J
-> calorie
-> calorie
= 2.39 * 10-1
= 2.39 * 10-4

3.71 10-7 J * 2.39 * 10-4 calorie / J = 8.87 10-11 calories to create a mammalian cell.

If we need 400 times the amount of energy per cell to maintain temperature merely to create a single mammalian cell let alone all other metabolic functions our net outside input must be substantially higher than previously calculated.